Ezra Vs Jasenki (2)
Lord Cornelius put his finger on the trigger and started counting aloud so that everyone standing there could hear the timer.


On the count of one, he pulled the trigger, firing a magic round into the sky.


As soon as they heard the gunshot, Ezra and Jasenki spun around and turned to face each other.

Jasenki was a little slow to react, allowing Ezra to score the first shot. Ezra fired his enchanted six-shot revolver, greeting his rival with a hail of normal bullets.

“Is that the best you got?” Jasenki mocked as he activated his Bulletproof Armor skill to block the bullets. “Come on, Ezra! Try again! Surely you can do better!”

Ezra reloaded his revolver with magic rounds and unleashed six quick shots in Jasenki’s direction.

The pale blue barrier erected in front of Jasenki buzzed and distorted as the magic rounds struck its mid-section. But Jasenki clenched his fist, pooling all his magic energy into his arm to fortify the shield.

Once more, Ezra’s s
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