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Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System Fighting a Flame Demon
Cooled by the water blasts, the Flame Demon lost its ability to cast fireballs and other ranged elemental attacks. As its core temperature dropped, the magma flowing through its body hardened, causing it to become heavier and more sluggish than before.By nullifying its long-ranged fire attacks, Ezra had temporarily saved Avondale from going up in flames. However, the demon still posed a tremendous threat, even without its special abilities.The necromancers had bound the demon to Zepheroth’s staff, compelling it to obey their will, and their orders were clear: the Flame Demon’s goal was to cause as much destruction as possible and obliterate every living settlement standing in its way.Although Ezra and Count Gressil had attacked the Flame Demon, it chose to ignore them and continued walking toward the village.“Get the hell back!” Ezra pulled out his legendary sniper rifle and loaded it with a Doom Strike bullet. He aimed for its head and took his first shot.The bullet shot out of t
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System Demon Slayer
Ezra quickly flew up and fired a charged magic bullet at the Flame Demon, but the blue flash disappeared inside its flaming body, leaving it completely unscathed.Instead of going after Ezra, the Flame Demon turned around and set its blazing eyes on the village. As the villagers trembled in terror, the demon spread its claw-like fingers and conjured three fireballs at once.“Get away from the damn village, you damn bastard!” Count Gressil shouted and flew up. Switching to his Blunderbuss rifle, he fired a volley of Frost Bite rounds at the demon, but the icy globules melted in seconds as they flew toward the demon.Ignoring its attackers, the Flame Demon pointed at the village on the ground, causing all three fireballs to rain down from the sky like burning meteors.“The light is my shield!” Tanya’s voice rang out from below as she stood in the middle of the village, holding an ancient silver scepter with both hands.The fireballs screeched and exploded overhead, but instead of strikin
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System Avondale's allegiance
The villagers burst into tears as the Flame Demon’s body was blown to bits. They had mentally prepared themselves to meet a burning end, but Ezra and Tanya had swooped in like guardian angels and saved Avondale from destruction.Though much of the village had been charred by the flames and several shacks and cottages lay in ruins, the children were safe, and only a few men had sustained minor injuries. As Ezra landed on the ground and set foot inside the village, the village chief, an old man with a shabby gray beard, hobbled forward to greet him.“Who are you, kind stranger? Did His Majesty send you to save us?” the old chief asked before turning to Tanya. “You must be Ishani’s priestess…but you look far too young to be a part of her flock. Are you also from Magaravia?”It was clear from his words that the villagers had never heard of them before. Despite living so close to the capital, it seemed they were cut off from the rest of Valaria and had no clue about what was happening beyo
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System The key to the throne
The news of a Flame Demon being spotted near Avondale quickly spread through Magaravia, and the courtiers even heard whispers of an unknown hero defeating the demon and saving the village. However, since Ezra had requested the villagers to keep his identity a secret, not even the best spies in the capital could come up with a name. There were several speculations in each noble circle, but the involvement of the Romanovs did not come up even once since everyone knew that the family had been massacred in Aranor.Meanwhile, inside the mansion in Verdant Gardens, Count Gressil and Ezra freshened up and gathered at the meeting table upstairs to discuss their next course of action. Tanya and Glenn also joined them after dismissing the attendants and knights.“If the necromancers have been successful in summoning a demon once, it is quite plausible that they will try to do this again. We were able to stop the Flame Demon this time, but I don’t think we will fare too well against multiple dem
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System A meeting with the princess
The following morning, Tanya woke up at the stroke of dawn and reached Ishani’s Shrine on Bolter Street before its doors could open. On the steps of the shrine, Tanya met the High Priestess and accompanied her to her inner chambers. Here, in the presence of the sworn priestesses, she was safe from conspirators and spies and could confide her secrets to her spiritual sisters.Princess Aleena was expected to visit the shrine in the early hours of the morning to avoid the public eye. But she was always accompanied by her chambermaid and music instructor to keep her safe.“I want to meet Princess Aleena, sister. Please help me out,” Tanya requested with humility, taking the High Priestess’ hand in hers. “The matter is urgent, and if you help me, it would greatly benefit the kingdom.”The High Priestess was a wise old lady with a calm demeanor and a face crisscrossed with wrinkles. But despite her sweet nature, she could be severe when it came to dealing with those who strayed from the pat
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System Devotion and Deception
Lying in the house of the Goddess was one of the highest of sins, but Tanya knew she was doing this for the greater good, so she prayed for Ishani’s forgiveness and eased herself into her new role.“Welcome to the Veiled Chamber, my child. Remember, the Goddess listens to all our problems and answers all our prayers. Unburden your heart and be free,” Tanya spoke in an altered voice, doing her best to sound as detached and austere as possible.Aleena took a deep breath and lowered her head. Her voice cracked as she opened her lips to speak.“I…don’t know what’s happening anymore. Someone attacked my father a few nights ago, and now he refuses to leave his room. It feels like everything is falling apart around me, and all I can do is watch like a helpless lamb trapped inside a pen.”Tanya realized she had guessed correctly about the princess’s life when she had first seen her. Aleena wasn’t happy in the palace and had little freedom to do anything without being guarded by her protectors.
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System Princess Aleena
King Reginald had strict orders not to let anyone enter the palace grounds without his permission, but no one in the royal household could dare to refute the words of the princess.Vivette and Aya remained silent throughout the journey as they accompanied Princess Aleena and Tanya to the palace. As they entered through the front gate, the Royal Guards rushed to open the door and bowed like obedient pups.Although Aleena did not like this kind of slavish obeisance, her instructors had taught her that it was all a part of being a princess and it would ruin her image if she refused to uphold her dignity as the only heir to the throne of Valaria.A bronze footstool was laid down for the princess, allowing her to alight from the carriage without soiling her sandals. Aya quickly joined her at her side and held a silk umbrella over her head to shade her from the pitiful gaze of the morning sun.Tanya could tell that King Reginald took care of all his daughter's needs despite not being present
Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System The Orcish Involvement
When Tanya returned to Verdant Gardens it was already afternoon, and Count Gressil and Glenn had just left. Only Ezra was still at home, waiting for her.Entering the mansion, Tanya removed her veil and took off her disguise. She then went straight to Ezra’s room to relay the outcome of today’s meeting with Aleena.Ezra was happy to hear that Tanya had managed to gain Princess Aleena’s trust and get better acquainted with her. However, the fact that Aleena was always accompanied by her guardians created a critical problem.As long as those two were around, there was no way Ezra or Tanya could talk politics in front of the princess or learn anything useful about her bedridden mother. To even suggest replacing her father as the new ruler of Valaria was equivalent to treason and it was suicide to plan something like that while the king’s loyal servants were watching them.“So, how do we talk to the princess in private?” Ezra asked after listening to everything.“I handed her a note before
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Vorus the faithful (3)
Guttural shrieks filled the air as the wyverns flapped their tattered wings and encircled Ezra. The abyss was their home, and anyone foolish enough to stumble into their domain was in for a nightmare.“I don’t need my staff to summon my minions anymore. This abyss is where I belong, and you are not welcome here,” Vorus hissed in his grating voice.The Corrupted Wyverns took turns swooping down and tearing at Ezra’s clothes. Their jaws snapped and ripped his jacket to tatters as they continued harassing him.“I would love to end your life in a heartbeat, but my pets enjoy playing with their food,” Vorus chuckled from afar as he waited for the wyverns to rip Ezra apart, bit by bit.But instead of cowering before the chaos, Ezra stood tall like an immovable fortress with his feet firmly planted on a floating obsidian platform that drifted through the space.With a bone-chilling shriek, the wyverns finally dived down with killing intent.“Dark Surge!” Ezra clenched his fist and shouted wi
Vorus the Faithful (2)
Vorus lifted his arm above his head and cast a scornful glance at Ezra. “Let this be a lesson for all the fools who think they can prevail against the darkness. You are nothing but a speck of dust in front of the Lord of Decay!”He was about to strike Ezra down with the shadow orbs when suddenly, a bright golden spear pierced his chest, going straight through his rotten heart. “Not so fast, you dirty old bastard!” Aurelia’s voice rang out from afar as she soared over the dark clouds with her Spectral Companion standing her guard behind her.The blindfolded angel radiated a divine aura that swept the shadows away, illuminating her surroundings and repelling the corrupted Necro Bats and Stirges.Vorus grimaced as he looked at her. The holy spear impaling him disrupted his dark spell, causing the two shadow orbs to disappear. “I had almost forgotten…about you,” he muttered, placing his shriveled palm over his chest. “Dark Lord’s blessings: Unholy Grasp!”The forbidden spell conjured a
Vorus the Faithful
Ezra squirmed like a fish caught in a net, struggling to break out of his binds, but the dark shackles constricted around him every time he tried to fight back.Vorus glared at Ezra, his inky black eyes peering into his soul. With half his face obscured by the shadows, he whispered in a cold, unfeeling voice, “I need you to tell me something, Lord Ezra. Was it all worth it? Is this what you had hoped for?”The winds howled around the dark shrine as Vorus raised his crooked finger, lifting Ezra higher and tightening his grip on his shackled body.“Answer me, my Lord. Did Ishani help you vanquish the darkness? Do you still believe in her light, or has your faith finally deserted you?” he hissed like a viper coiled inside a dark pit. Ezra clenched his fist and parted his lips to speak. “You haven’t won yet…and you never will.”Vorus’ face darkened, and his eyes gleamed with all the malice festering inside his soul. “So…defiant. So…naïve…even in the face of death. But your words are as h
An unstoppable carnage
Ezra’s face darkened as something hammered inside his head, igniting his primal instincts. Even though he had done his best to sever himself from the darkness, the tainted elven blood flowing through his veins brought out the worst in him as it mixed with the dark rain.Marlin’s lips dried up as he watched Ezra toss Lord Lucius’ dismembered corpse away like a rotting carcass. The blood dripping down his face hardly bothered Ezra, and he seemed to pay no heed to the necrophages growling around him.A horde of feral ghouls had rushed into the firearms factory, and the place was now swarming with undead, but Ezra focused on the dark tower in the middle of the courtyard.“I am coming for you, Vorus!” he yelled, summoning three Corrupted Cannons.But instead of firing them, Ezra combined the three cannons into an even bigger weapon that looked almost like a terrifying rail gun. Pointing the Mega Cannon at the dark tower, Ezra fired a charged shot.Boom!A powerful blast shook the foundatio
Cruel forgiveness
Lord Lucius breathed a sigh of relief but still kept his sniper trained on Ezra. “You know, the good ones don’t always win. This is a cruel and unfair world. But at least you tried,” Lester scoffed in his arrogant voice as his war axe grated against the wet floor like a long-handed scythe. “Your father was too self-righteous for his own good. He should have just taken the hint and stepped down while he had the chance. It would have certainly saved us all the trouble of killing him.”Those cruel words stung Ezra’s heart. Once again, he was reminded of that fateful day when he had lost everything. But instead of lashing out and cursing Lester, he remained as calm as a monk.“My father trusted you. We thought you actually cared about the people of Aranor. But you really just care about filling your own pockets,” he spoke in a cold, emotionless voice.Lester chuckled and grabbed his war axe with both hands, raising it above his head. Cracking his shoulders, he stretched his arms back to l
Dark awakening
Ezra’s life flashed before his eyes as he stared down the brass barrel of the enchanted hand cannon. Even with his left lung blown out, he still held onto his dying breath, refusing to yield.“Your family should not have insulted my wife and daughter. Look what you made me do?” Lord Lucius grumbled, his voice laced with the malice bubbling inside his heart as he gripped the trigger. “The Romanov name shall never be heard again.”Crack!Suddenly, the sky lit up with streaks of forked lightning, and a thunderous roar shook the ground. Blinded by the flash, Lord Lucius missed his shot. Boom!As the cannonball exploded behind Ezra, the dark gray clouds rumbled and burst open at their seams, showering the city with magic rain.A misty blue haze swept the streets of Stonewell as the downpour intensified. Drenched in the magic rain, Lord Lucius lost control of his powers, and his enchanted hand cannon exploded in his face.“Damn it! Summon Owlbear!” Lord Lucius exclaimed, grabbing his frost
A fallen warrior
The Primal Demon was a hulking mass of muscle and rage, obedient only to the Lord of Decay. Its sheer size was enough to make any army turn pale and flee in terror, but the Imperial Troops were surrounded by ghouls on all sides and had nowhere left to run.“The demons walk among us now. Ishani has abandoned our world,” Marquis Desmond spoke in a cold voice, his eyes glued to the colossal brute glaring at them.“Run back!”“We can’t kill that thing!”“Move!”Panicked voices rang out across the battlefield as the Imperial Swordsmen ran back, fleeing from what looked like certain death.Swish!The Primal Demon swung its burning meat cleaver, slashing a wide arc through the terror-stricken crowd and slicing the swordsmen in half.Blood and guts splashed out in the air as horrified screams echoed into the night. With each swipe of its flaming cleaver, the demon mowed down dozens of terrified soldiers who tried to run away.“Summon Spectral Companion!” Count Gressil called out to his Spectra
All hell breaks loose
Outside the walls of Stonewell, the Imperial Army was nearly spent from the endless fighting. The ghouls and resurrected skeletons kept coming even as the soldiers killed them in hundreds. “I don’t think we can hold them back much longer,” Marquis Desmond relayed in his hoarse voice, his throat sore from shouting commands and organizing his troops. “These things just keep coming. There is no end to their numbers.”“Don’t give up just yet. Ezra needs us to hold the line and keep them distracted,” Aurelia replied, firing a firebolt from her musket. It burned through five packs of ghouls infront and cleared a path to the Infernal Gates. “Those Lich Kings are doing all the summoning. If we kill them, there will be no one left to raise the dead again.”“The problem is getting close to them,” Count Gressil said, riding down from the frontlines. “We tried shooting at them, but they are protected by unholy barriers. Not even my enchanted bullets could get through.”While the three of them wer
Mirror Mirror…
Fighting demons was nothing new for Ezra. He had single-handedly vanquished a Flame Demon barely a few weeks back and then held his own against an even stronger Abyssal Demon. However, the Shadow Demon blocking his path presented a whole different challenge.To make matters worse, Vorus had already enlisted the help of a dozen more cultists to empower his spell and prevent the dark barrier from shrinking further. Now, even with one of the dark towers disabled, the spell’s influence continued growing stronger with each passing minute.Ezra could feel his muscles turning stiff as the decaying influence of the dark spell slowly sapped his strength, wreaking havoc on his body.The Shadow Demon noticed Ezra’s hands trembling as he leveled Lord Sebastian’s enchanted musket against his shoulder and took aim. A ring of blue light appeared in front of the barrel, and as Ezra pulled the trigger, a bolt of forked lightning erupted from his rifle. It crackled through the air and zapped the Shado