Magical Regression
Ezra felt like his heart would burst out of his chest as he tried to fight the urge to lash out at those who were trying to help him. Even though he was still in his senses it was as if his body refused to obey his mind.

“I…can’t stay here. It’s killing me!” Ezra grunted as his lips darkened and blood pooled in the corners of his eyes, making him look like a creature from beyond the grave. The more he tried to resist the urge to unleash his skills, the more it hurt him.

Count Gressil’s guards held Ezra by his arms and dragged him as Tanya did her best to comfort him.

“It is going to be alright, Lord Ezra. I am going to help you. Please try to fight the regression. You need to be conscious for this to work,” she said while holding a rose-shaped pendant in her hand and praying to Ishani.

If it were anyone else Count Gressil would have ordered to have him shot by now, but since he had a soft corner for Ezra, he allowed Tanya to attempt her healing ritual despite sensing the danger.

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