Powers unleashed
Ezra was surprised by this unexpected notification. Silencing wards were usually deployed by mages and adventurers to block teleportation spells and prevent sneaky enemies from dashing from one location to another by using their agility skills.

However, Centaurs had never been known to be magic users. If anything, they despised magic due to their past encounters with human sorcerers.

“Who the hell is using a silencing ward here?” Ezra looked around him, unsure who else was trying to hunt him down.

Oferion’s monastery had already burned down, and there were no other safe havens in the Starlight Forest. Ezra’s only option now was to keep moving and get back on the road as soon as possible.

Keeping his Reflexive Armor active, Ezra equipped his enchanted revolvers and carefully made his way through the forest.

The Centaurs lurking nearby had their eyes glued on him, but they weren’t too keen on attacking him abruptly since their arrows and bolts had already failed to get through his magic
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