The Burial Chamber
Ever since Ezra and Tanya entered the crypt, a pair of ghastly green eyes had been observing their every move in silence. The Banshee knew her home had been invaded by outsiders, but she could not get close to them because of the sacred medallion hanging from Tanya’s neck.

Ishani’s holy relic was the only thing that kept the wailing woman at bay, but Tanya knew a slight lapse in focus could spell disaster. Thus, even as Ezra prepared to enter the burial chamber, she continued chanting protective incantations to ward off evil spirits.

“This is it then. Are you ready?” Ezra asked, turning to Tanya.

“I can hear the Dread Wolves howling inside. And there is a good chance we might run into another Direlock as well. I need to prepare,” Tanya replied and then started drawing a runic circle in the air to cast her most powerful psychic protection spell.


Outside the town of Silver Springs, the dark fog had swallowed the grassy plains and it continued drifting toward the walls of the town.

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