The Centaur Shaman
When Ezra had received the notification about the Centaurs, he expected to face a horde of archers and heavy melee attackers. But the Shaman threw all his plans and stratagems out the window.

Not only was the Shaman capable of casting minor hexes and curses, but also knew how to effectively deploy wards. And to make matters even worse, this Centaur had pledged his allegiance to Zepheroth which granted him the power of raising the dead with his dark magic.

Hearing the guttural grunts of the resurrected Brutes, Ezra turned around.

The resurrected Centaur Brutes looked even more formidable in death. Their eyes had turned pitch black, and their battle axes were enveloped in darkness.

The Shaman’s dark spell had not only raised them from the dead but imbued them with dark magic. Their hides had turned mottled gray, and dirty black veins had popped up on their arms and necks, making them look like diseased abominations.

Ezra downed a magic restoration potion and reloaded his revolvers with
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