The Fall of Valaria
Sitting inside a mansion in Magaravia it was difficult to know the current state of affairs in the country since the capital had distanced itself from the other major cities and towns. King Reginald had little interest in the welfare of his subjects and only cared about maintaining his luxurious lifestyle.

However, there were influential nobles in the king’s court who looked after the economic and administrative affairs and handled the kingdom’s security as well. Even so, without the direct involvement of the king, the nobles could do little to safeguard the nation.

Having spent a few days in Magaravia, Ezra too, had realized that this city was like an isolated fortress, separated from the other human settlements. And there was no way for anyone living here to know the condition of the people outside its walls.

“I cannot stay here forever. I need to know what’s happening in Aranor,” Ezra said as he impatiently paced his room, waiting for news from the outside world.

Just then, the loud
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