The darker side of Magaravia
Ezra broke off into a sprint and ran after the thief, his eyes following the frail figure of the kid as it disappeared into a shadowy alley.

“Get back here, you damn thief!” Ezra shouted as he brushed past the pedestrians, nearly throwing a couple to the ground and causing two bikes to crash into the street lamps.

The commotion soon created a blockage on the road, but Ezra had already crossed and was standing at the entrance of the alley. He had watched the kid dip inside, and there did not seem to be any other way out since it led to a blind end on the other side.

Clenching his fist, Ezra stepped into the darkness and entered the alley.

Almost immediately, a foul stench hit his nostrils. It was dark and damp inside the narrow space, and sunlight only illuminated the area in little patches where there were cracks in the banisters of the adjoining buildings.

Only Ezra’s hurried footsteps echoed in the darkness, occasionally interspersed by the squeaking of mice and the soft tapping of
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