The heart of Valaria

Glenn had used his blood magic to cast a ninth-tier teleportation spell that teleported them far away from Aranor and brought them to a new location.

Although most teleportation spells only worked on the caster and his personal belongings, Glenn’s blood magic was powerful enough to teleport his companion as well. However, by casting Blood Mist and then using two teleportation spells in rapid succession he had pushed his body to its breaking point.

When Ezra opened his eyes, he found himself in the middle of a dimly lit room illuminated by a candelabra stand holding thirteen candles and a small lantern on the oak wood table in front.

“Where are we now? Is this your hiding—”

Ezra’s words stuck in his throat as his eyes fell on Glenn. The blood mage looked old and withered now, his face covered in wrinkles and his arms thin and fragile. His hair had turned ashen gray, and the signs of aging were visible in his saggy cheeks and dull gray eyes.

“What happened to you?” Ezra questioned.

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