The murderous trio

“That was the best thing you could think of?” Marlin questioned in a vexed voice as Ezra slowly picked himself off the floor.

“I did what you advised,” Ezra replied, catching his breath and rubbing his bloodied lips on his sleeves.

“I do not remember telling you to make things so obvious. Now the guards will be expecting those ruffians to act up,” Marlin replied. “You should have handled things more tactfully.”

“I am not in the mood to handle things tactfully. I just want to get out of here. And nothing would make me happier than to watch those prisoners kill those two guards.”

Hearing Ezra’s explanation, Marlin realized that Ezra had acted in such a rash manner only to create a tense atmosphere which would possibly lead to a violent altercation between his captors and the prisoners.

Although it was a blunt and risky approach, there was a good chance of it working in Ezra’s favor since the actual dungeon guards had been killed and the adventurers weren’t used to keeping an eye on such
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