
Ashu who disappeared moved quite far from the city and from the crowds, currently Ashu is sitting under a large tree on the outskirts of the forest where it is impossible for people to pass, Ashu hurriedly closed his eyes and repeatedly asked the voice that usually spoke to him to immediately speak to him again. because there was something he wanted to ask.

For two hours, Ashu continued to do the same thing without getting any results at all. Currently, he is no longer a God, but that doesn't mean he has never done anything for God.

"Your persistence is still the same. I shouldn't be able to talk to you anymore but this time I will make an exception," said a disembodied voice.

"Then I'll just ask," said Ashu.

"I was brought back to life and so was my wife, is it possible that my three children were also brought back to life," continued Ashu.

The silent voice did not provide an answer for a moment, Ashu repeated his question again so that the disembodied voice would answer his question
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