
The city leader did not expect that his two fighters could be defeated so easily by Ashu, Ashu's words asking his fighters to come forward at once shocked him even more, everyone who was on the sidelines entered the fighting arena at the same time, the three of them surrounded Ashu who was just silent.

In their opinion, Ashu's training level wasn't high, but how could their two friends lose so easily, the three thought in unison.

"They are no stronger than the two who lost just now," Wu said.

"I also feel that way, I thought the difference in strength between me and them was quite big, but it turns out it's not," said Ashu.

"Haaaaah, that's probably because they have never explored other places, their arrogance is also what undermines their own strength," said Wu.

Seeing Ashu who was silent, one of the fighters came forward, after observing everything on Ashu's body, the fighter pursed his lips.

"Why are you just silent now, weren't you the one who asked us to come forward at once, be
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