
Ashu still didn't give up and continued to try to use the library mirror that Wiro gave him. No matter how late it was, Ashu still tried to use it. Since this afternoon he only heard a sound like steps through long grass. After thinking about it, Ashu seemed to understand that the voice he heard was Wu's voice. who is running.


The sound of a small roar that came from the mirror made Ashu who was lying down hurriedly get up. Ashu wanted to try the heirloom mirror again and maybe now it could be used.

"I'm very sure that wasn't Wu's roar," said Ashu.

"Hooooooooeeer, you are waiting for me son."

Ashu was silent and couldn't believe what he had just heard. He heard Wu's voice saying you are waiting for me, son. Ashu knew that Wu didn't have children, so who did he mean, Ashu thought.

"The mirror showed me Wu's place," said Ashu.

The mirror which previously didn't see anything now shows something very clearly, currently Wu is in the cave and Wu is not alone, there is a
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