
Even though Bei Ha is the owner of the medical center, he is not a healer, he got all this business because of his older brother who didn't want to continue it.

As time went on, the pain and heat in Bei Ha's legs spread very quickly, now part of his body was blistered, none of the doctors at his treatment center could cure him.

"It's a blood lotus concoction. Even if you don't come into direct contact with the concoction, if you come into contact with it, someone who is affected can die," said the last healer.

"You've touched me, will you be the same as me?" Bei Ha asked.

"Of course not, we don't come into direct contact with those affected by the potion. Before it's too late, sir, just go to that person," said the healer.

"I went to him to put my pride in it," said Bei Ha.

"But this is for your good, sir, only he has the antidote," said the healer.

Bei Ha suddenly fell silent, actually it wasn't just because of pride, apologizing and meeting him wasn't difficult but whether he would
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