Looking for Fire

Ashu went back around the market looking for fire to make pills, until at the end of the market Ashu saw a small house that said it sold various kinds of fire, Ashu, who really needed holy fire, immediately walked up to the small house and went inside.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?" said Ashu, who had only taken a few steps inside.

"Ahhhhh, apparently there is a buyer," said the old grandmother who came out from inside and walked towards Ashu.

"You must have come here to look for fire. Just look around first, if you like what you see, take it," said the grandmother.

"Okay," Ashu said.

Ashu looked at the flames in the glass bottles one by one. The colors of the flames he saw were very different, but unfortunately all the flames were half finished, while what he needed was high quality holy fire.

"How long has it been open here, grandmother?" Ashu asked as he continued to watch the fire around him.

"A long time. This place and all the fires here are my son's legacy, that's why I still li
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