Minister Joh's downfall

Xe's father arrived at his residence first and burned the newspapers about Ashu. After pulling all the newspapers about Ashu, Xe's father treated his son.

"Feel this, this is the result of you looking for trouble with the wrong person," said Xe's father.

"Dad, can't you stop being angry now, right now my body is really in pain, besides, why don't you heal me first and instead take care of the papers," said Xe.

"Because the newspaper is much more important to me than you, I don't want to get into any more trouble with Minister Ashu. If the newspaper continues to circulate, wouldn't it be the same as if I were looking for trouble with him again," said Xe's father.

"You should feel lucky, because if it wasn't for me to apologize to Minister Ashu, you might have been sentenced to death, hanged or beheaded," continued Xe's father.

"Ahhhh, just try not to meet Kor, Minister Joh's son. I definitely won't end up like this. I was tempted because he said that many people were interest
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