Snake Venom

"Huuuh, timid human, just say you can't do anything."

"It's not that you were very arrogant, now where is your arrogance."

Ashu didn't pay attention to the sound he kept hearing, Ashu was getting deeper into the poisonous valley which was starting to create a lot of smoke.

"Just go back, a road like this can't possibly get you to that place," said Ashu.

"Heeeeh, I just need to walk straight, it's easy, just calm down," said Ashu.

Ashu continued to walk forward through the smoke that wouldn't go away, the smoke became more and more until it made his eyes sting when he saw it.



The hiss of the snake sounded very loud, making Ashu stop in his tracks, using the earth element Ashu tried to feel the presence of the snake which continued to hiss.

Ashu could feel the snake's head in front of him even though it was quite far away. Ashu could also feel from the flick of the snake's tail that the snake's tail was right in front of the snake's head.

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