101: Into the Mountains


            Kerrigan struggled at a cloth clamped around her mouth. She desperately tried to recall her training and slammed an elbow back, but the fumes made her motion sluggish. Whoever held her had an iron grip. She gasped for breath, which was a mistake. The fumes on the rag choked her, nearly making her vomit with its sickly sweet smell. The night around her closed in as she felt her body go limp. Small prick in the side of her neck before unconsciousness claimed her.

            Kerrigan’s eye’s opened as Abraxas roared in her mind. ‘GET UP, KERRIGAN! FIGHT!’

            She found herself being dropped into a trunk, her head smacking the hard metal of the trunk floor. She glared up at the man, but was still to groggy to form words, her head swimming from the impact. 

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