Chapter 109

Kerrigan stared after Conor’s retreating form in shock. His blue eyes had flashed to a steely gray glue and any light and passion that had been there winked out when she had mentioned his wife. When the conference room doors closed, she turned to Evelynn, “Find out about his wife.”


“When I was here for a Gala at the start of winter, he was with his wife. Find out what happened to her if you can. I want to know if that was just some rough patch I touched on or something more.  Best to be aware of things like that so I don’t walk into a thorn patch with our current hosts.”

“Very good, Ma’am.” She slipped out the door as Reilynn slipped up next to her. “Do you trust him and his team?”

“Conor? Mostly. Mr. Nuri, almost explicitly. The rest? They seem like good people. Keep your head on a swivel, as always. And, please get me something for the pain, my leg is

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