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Rejected Billionaire Part 2 - Chapter 13: Reassuring Natalie
Kerrigan fell into a simple routine of visiting the local police academy to train with Faolan every morning, stopping by the hospital to check on Reilynn, and then visiting either the master craftsmen at the violin shop or going to the community center in the afternoons before returning to Vokrizin to catch up on emails from Natalie. Faolan was brilliant, and the other trainers were envious of her skill and obedience. After the first week of working with the police dog trainers, Bran commented, “Faolan has really taken to you. She never really took to any of the other trainers who worked with her. Even Evelynn seems to be doing well with her.” “Even Evelynn? What is that supposed to mean?” Quipped Evelynn as she jugged past with Faolan on their next circuit of the course. “Damn that one has good hearing,” Bran commented, watching her run past. “Best keep that in mind. Hopefully, we can get Reilynn out here soon. I think the two of them will get along great,” Kerrigan said. “When
Rejected Billionaire Part 2 - Chapter 14: Pawns
Conor was sitting behind his desk glancing through reports from the team when a knock startled him from his reading. He looked up to find Peter Miros standing in the doorway. “Got a minute?” Peter asked. “Sure. What’s up? Everything alright with AperturePhoto?” Conor asked. “What? Oh, yea everything is fine there. Great, actually. This is our best month yet.” “Then what’s got you so wound up? Cara doing ok?” Conor asked, seeing Peter fidget. “I actually ran into an old friend from school. You don’t happen to know Andrew Harden do you?” “Andrew? Yea, as a matter of fact, he and I went to high school together. He was a smart kid! Didn’t he skip a grade or two? I really haven’t seen him in say… 4 years?” “Yeah, and his family doesn’t really care for him to be out in public much for fear he might outshine them. That witch of a stepmom he has really made life hard. I think she is still afraid that his father may let him get some of the business even though his mom was just a summer
Rejected Billionaire Part 2 - Chapter 15: Adventureing?
Conor walked down the hall to his old office and knocked just as Kerrigan was hanging up with Natalie. “Got a minute?” “I suppose.” “Issues back at Dragon Corporation?” “Kelan is being an ass to my staff, and my chief of security is missing. But all sunshine and rainbows. So, what's up?” Kerrigan said with a forced smile. “Well, Peter Miros stopped by.” “The AperturePhoto guy?” “Yep. He had a curious visitor. One Andrew Harden.” “Harden… that family does construction for the Benedicts, right? What did he want?” “You know your stuff!” “It pays to know one’s enemy,” Kerrigan said with a smirk. Conor explained briefly what Peter had told him. Kerrigan sat back in the chair and steepled her fingers in contemplation. “So, the runt of the litter is making a play for the throne. Sounds like Harden Corporation will be in dire straights if they don’t get a major injection of funds.” “Or they will just keep playing lackey to the Benedicts,” Conor suggested. “True, but Ezra Harden i
Rejected Billionaire Part 2 - Chapter 16: Plans at Vokrizin
Conor looked around the table at his team, as well as at Kerrigan and her guards sitting stoically at the far end. He had chosen the conference room with the large oval table for a reason and he hoped it would become apparent shortly. “Everyone, I realize that Vokrizin is growing faster and larger than I could have ever hoped or believed. I am also painfully aware that Celia and Abrasax are in meditation for the foreseeable future. When I ran Celia’s Herbals, it failed because I lost track of the business, and was not as involved as I needed to be. I want to ensure that doesn’t happen. Miss Lokir, I am hoping you would be willing to assist me in this.” “Depends on what you had in mind. I do at some point still have Dragon Corporation to consider and manage,” She said seriously. “Of course, and I wouldn’t want to keep you from those duties. No, what I could use most right now is guidance on how you manage to keep such a large conglomerate moving, and offer advice on how we can prepa
Rejected Billionaire Part 2 - Chapter 17: Mr. Nuri in Action
Mr. Nuri arrived early at the court house and found his place behind the defendant’s table. He laid out his notes and began reviewing. He always made a point of arriving well before anyone else to make sure he had everything set. On many days like this Jarad or one of his other paralegals might have joined him, but they all had tasks to attend to in preparation for the Gala and Conor’s upcoming business moves. Even his new apprentice was busy trying to solve the conundrum that was the task of reacquiring full control of Dragon Corporation. Mr. Nuri scratched his head as he looked over the notes from discovery. This should be an open and shut case, but this judge he had been assigned was a newer one. Judge Marrow according to the notes his team had compiled for him was raised in Pinon Province but had attended the capital’s renowned school of law, the same that he had attended, though a few years before himself. The small audience began filtering in, many graduate students trying t
Rejected Billionaire Part 2 - Chapter 18: Goodbyes
Kerrigan sat behind Conor’s large oak desk reviewing the papers Natalie had sent over and trying to figure out what Kelan was doing to her company. Some of the decisions he was authorizing made no sense at all and she wondered if he was just agreeing to anything people asked of him, regardless of how asinine the requests might be. She was certain that if he kept up like this the board would remove him without her ever lifting a finger. There was something that kept nagging at the back of her mind but she could not figure out what the issue was. One trade he had authorized moved some of Dragon Corporation’s spice business to a third party who was then paid to move the product to Pinon Province, where it was then re-acquired by another subsidiary of Dragon Corporation. The final sale still showed a 10% profit, but the effort to achieve that seemed asinine to Kerrigan. A knock sounded at the door and she looked up to find Anna Brooks peaking around her door. “Do you have a minute?” she
Rejected Billionaire Part 2 - Chapter 19: The Hiking Adventure
Kerrigan walked out of the office suite for perhaps the last time on Saturday morning. Today, Conor was due to pick her up for their outing to the mountains north of Jinstain. She had found a cute black tennis skirt that should work well for outdoor adventuring. She had also managed to find a thin gray sun shirt the nice girl at the clothing shop had called a rashguard. She had assured Kerrigan that it would help prevent sunburn, and if they were going to be out for a few hours, she would want the extra protection. Back at the temple, Kerrigan had to worry about wind burn, chapped lips, and frostbite. Sun exposure was a prized time in the all too short summer months. The girl had insisted though that here in Jinstain, as summer came on, the risk of sunburn and heat stroke was all too real. She sat on the edge of the desk waiting for word that Conor had arrived for their outing. Evelynn walked in and smiled. “Someone looks nervous today,” she jested. “I am not! It's just a chance t
Rejected Billionaire Part 2 - Chapter 20: Hidden Waterfalls
The mountainside to the right began to turn into a sheer face that towered over them as the left side fell away down to a strong moving stream below. At one point Parker looked up and pointed at the sheer rock wall. “See those small metal bits on the wall?” Kerrigan strained her eyes but noticed the metal glinting. “What are those?” “Anchors. Some of the more adventurous climbers have been out here and did everyone a favor by drilling those into the wall. Now anyone with the knowledge and skill can try to climb that wall with much more confidence. It is actually becoming a popular sport in some circles. Perhaps I can requisition some ropes and quickdraws from Colonel Eli. You two will likely need to visit an outfitter to get some proper shoes if we come back out here,” Parker explained. “You climb that? All the way up there? What if you fall?” Kerrigan asked in trepidation. “Ropes. It’s the same method we use for special operations. Of course, the stakes are much lower, and it's h
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S3 Chapter 22: Train rides
Monday morning broke with a cool spring breeze showing the last vestiges of winter before summer’s heat. Conor tossed his suitcase into the back of the SUV and hopped into the passenger seat.Parker drove them to Kerrigan’s house, pausing briefly to acknowledge the gate guard. Conor recognized him as one of Colonel Eli’s men he had seen around Vokrizin.“Jamison is a good man. He will make sure nothing happens to Miss Lokir’s house while you all are away,” Parker said.Conor just nodded.They pulled up to Kerrigan’s house and Parker honked twice.Conor jumped out when he saw the four ladies exit with several bags each. He and Parker quickly moved to help and filled the back of the SUV with bags, nearly completely blocking any hope of looking out the back window.“Guess you are moving out. No plans to return?” Conor asked.Kerrigan replied smoothly, “I am sure I will be back. This isn’t a fraction of what is in that house.”Parker closed the trunk and addressed everyone, “The Colonel do
S3 Chapter 21: Kelan
Targu Province. Saturday night “A toast! To our good brother Kelan, for without him, many of us would still be scrapping the bottom of the barrel here in Velyki!” declared Darren Krellis. “Here, here!” chorused the room. "My family thanks you for letting us take over this place and turn it into the exclusive club Velykie can be proud of!" Darren declared. Kelan Benedict stood and saluted the room with his wine glass and took a swig. “Brothers and lovely guests,” he began, eyeing the ladies around the room dressed in tight-fitting evening gowns. “Tonight, I thank you for this gracious meal. Hopefully, the future will bring mutual benefit as the Benedict family begins its absorption of Velyki and then Targu!” There was a round of cheers and Kelan slumped back into his seat, wrapping his arm around Clarise, a tall attractive blonde dressed in a red dress that did wonders for her figure. “Brother Kelan,” came a grading voice beside him as someone sat down on the couch. Kelan took h
S3 Chapter 20 : Visiting the Spice Emporium
“That was crazy,” Conor said as they headed across the street. Kerrigan slipped up beside him, slipping her hand into his, “I get the feeling that our lives will always attract crazy.” Conor sighed, “It does seem that way. Let’s see how Mr. Arroz is doing.” Conor gave Kerrigan’s hand a gentle squeeze as they crossed the street and stepped into the spice shop. A small bell sounded as they walked in. “Be right up!” came the bellow from the back room. Conor pointed to the glass case that protected the world from the hottest spice known, Abrasax’s wrath. “Now, any idea how we can get Kelan and perhaps Nyman to swallow that whole jar?” Kerrigan giggled, “I have a few I would like to feed it to. Think Mr. Arroz will part with the whole jar?” “Depends if he thinks he can replace it,” Conor said as Faolon brushed past him. “Hey, Faolan! Sit! PRALL!” Faolan came back and sat at his feet. Kerrigan looked up at him, “She just wants to sniff. This whole place is full of new smells.” “I k
S3 Ch19: Entitlement
Conor and Kerrigan rode in companionable silence for most of the trip back to town, content to rest from the day’s climbing. They sat, each leaning against opposing car windows, but their legs met, touching from knee to heel. Conor felt their fingers brush and gently laced his with hers, enjoying how her hand fit so perfectly with his.It was near dinner time when they finally turned onto the street near the Spice Emporium. As Parker pulled into a parking space at the far end of the street, Conor noticed the Grizlehut. It had been a long time since he had thought about his old job. While his condominium home was at the far end of the street, he never come down this way anymore. Too often, Parker would be waiting for him, and they would simply drive the other direction to get to Vokrizin.Conor reached for the door and realized Kerrigan was completely passed out against her window. He leaned over and gently shook her shoulder. As she came awake, Conor saw a flash of panic cross her face
S3 Ch 18: Trust building
He changed his hand position and reached, finding the quickdraw dangling from its anchor. He clipped the rope in and began his attempt to crest the bulge in the rock. As he pivoted, he realized the angle he was moving to would erase any grip he had on that hold. As he thought this, he felt a weightless sensation as he began to fall away from the rock. The rope went taught and jerked him mid-air as Kerrigan was pulled off her feet, flying fifteen feet in the air. She managed to hold the rope in its breaking position but her head was dangerously close to his feet. When he had caught his breath, Conor looked down into Kerrigan’s terrified green eyes. “Fancy meeting you up here. Think we could meet up again, once we are safely on the ground?” Kerrigan gawked at him for a second before smiling, “I suppose I could let you down, but You are at my mercy. I might just have to leave you up here like a pinata.” Conor chuckled as he watched her slowly release tension, lowering herself back dow
S3 Ch 17: Rock climbing
“OK, now it's time for you to try. Who is up first?” Conor volunteered. “Fine, Kerrigan, you are on belay. I will back you up and walk you through each step. I want you both to understand, Lead climbing like this places your life in the hands of your partner. If you don’t trust each other and learn not only to communicate but to anticipate each other’s needs, you will fail and likely hurt each other.” Kerrigan looked dubiously at Parker. “Conor is easily 50 pounds heavier than me!” Parker eyed Conor’s muscular but toned form, “You are what? 200 or 210 pounds these days?” “Last I checked, yea, right at 205.” “Should be fine. Kerrigan, you just have to learn to brace yourself correctly. You could go for a ride but if you use the skills I taught you earlier you could even belay me, and I am 230 pounds these days. Climbing is about technique as much as it is about skill. Now, let's get Conor tied in.” Parker tied the end of the climbing rope to Conor’s harness and showed Kerrigan.
S3 Ch16:
Conor leaned against the SUV with Parker standing across from him checking through a few bags of gear. “We have three ropes, harnesses for everyone, belay devices, and four full sets of quickdraws. I am also bringing a few crash pads. I don’t plan on you needing to use them but we will put them along the base just in case. Here, try these on.” Parker tossed a pair of strange shoes to him. Conor looked at the shoes that had a sharp curve to the toe and the sole was a flat rubber that followed the arch curve. The tan material seemed to be some sort of soft doeskin or very supple leather. Conor tried to pull the shoe on but his toes cramped and they were shoved into the tight shoes. “Umm, I think these are too small.” Parker walked over and check them. “your heal fits right?” “Yea, but my toes are all curled” “Painfully curled or just uncomfortably curled?” Conor considered before finally replying, “just uncomfortable. My shoes are normally a bit loose.” “Then they fit perfectly.
S3 Ch 15: Issues at home
Kerrigan spent the next day walking around the property at her house with Faolan. It had been a while since they had been able to just play, and she took this opportunity to play fetch. Thankfully her right arm still functioned, though being it was her off-hand, it was a bit awkward to throw. She figured this was good training for anything that might injure her dominant arm. Mercifully she had awoken almost entirely pain-free. The pills the Colonel had given her had truly worked wonders overnight and she had to admit, she was looking forward to being able to learn to climb the sheer rock faces near the waterfall tomorrow. The day passed rather uneventfully, and as the sun set Kerrigan found herself curled up on the back porch on one of their outdoor couches, with Faolan warming her feet with her furry mass. Reilynn stepped out a few minutes later with two glasses of wine and handed one to Kerrigan as Gabriella come out behind her. the girls each sank into chairs and leaned back, look
S3 Ch 14: Kerrigan's Family revelations
The next morning Kerrigan arrived on the roof of Vokrizin for their daily training session. Colonel Eli strode over to her but before he could start setting her to drills she decided to interject, “I actually wanted to talk to you.” “Oh?” “two things really. First, do you think tomorrow I could take the girls climbing? Perhaps Conor will join us?” The Colonel glanced to where Parker was sparing with Conor, “I don’t see why that should be a problem.” He looked to Reilynn, “You feel confident in training them?” “Yes, sis.” “Fine, I will requisition the gear. What size shoe do you were, Miss Lokir?” “Umm about 23.5 cm.” “Hmm ok. I will make sure to get you and Conor some. Be warned, they will be tight. These are not meant for walking, they are designed for grip. Don’t be surprised if they feel a size or two smaller than is comfortable. What was the other thing?” “I am returning to Dragon Corporation at the end of the week.” “Ah, I see. I will begin redeploying a detail. We still