Part 2 - Chapter 15: Adventureing?

Conor walked down the hall to his old office and knocked just as Kerrigan was hanging up with Natalie. “Got a minute?”

“I suppose.”

“Issues back at Dragon Corporation?”

“Kelan is being an ass to my staff, and my chief of security is missing. But all sunshine and rainbows. So, what's up?” Kerrigan said with a forced smile.

“Well, Peter Miros stopped by.”

“The AperturePhoto guy?”

“Yep. He had a curious visitor. One Andrew Harden.”

“Harden… that family does construction for the Benedicts, right? What did he want?”

“You know your stuff!”

“It pays to know one’s enemy,” Kerrigan said with a smirk.

Conor explained briefly what Peter had told him.

Kerrigan sat back in the chair and steepled her fingers in contemplation. “So, the runt of the litter is making a play for the throne. Sounds like Harden Corporation will be in dire straights if they don’t get a major injection of funds.”

“Or they will just keep playing lackey to the Benedicts,” Conor suggested.

“True, but Ezra Harden i
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