Part 2 - Chapter 22: BEAR!
“Or what? You were sticky and needed a rinse.” Parker quipped, popping another chip ladened with chicken salad.

“You knew perfectly well that a dunk in cold water is not what I was after,” Evelynn said, snatching the chicken salad from Parker and taking a scoop for herself before passing it to Kerrigan.

“I wasn’t done with that. As for you, if that is what you wanted, you could have just asked me back to your place AFTER work. Perhaps there I could have given you a proper shower.” Parker said straight-faced.

Evelynn squirmed uncomfortably, “You know perfectly well that I am stuck in the barracks at Volkrizin. Colonel Eli doesn’t tolerate ANYTHING.”

“So am I. You likely didn’t realize it as our entrance is from the other stairwell, but I am under the same roof as you, just on the other side of a wall,” Parker explained.

“Wait, Conor, ALL of our guards are housed at Vokrizin? Why doesn’t Parker have a home of his own?! Colonel Eli? The other 100 or so I see around?” Kerrigan asked i
Drew Archeron

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