Part 2 - Chapter 29: Kerrigan's Temper

Evelynn escorted Kerrigan to where Reilynn was staying. As the elevator doors closed, she turned to Kerrigan, “Well? How was he?”

“What? He? What are you talking about?” Kerrigan said, her cheeks flushing deep red.

“Kerrigan, you realize that office has a glass window to the hall right? I am not blind.”

Kerrigan stared at Evelynn with a mortified expression.

“Girl, come on! We all knew it was coming! Hell, I expected you to hop on that train months ago.”

“Anna…” Kerrigan tried weakly.

“Is gone. Out of the picture. In another province and if what I hear her say is true, she is done for good. She knew she wasn’t the right fit for him. but you best be sure to snag him quick, cause a man like that isn’t going to sit in the friend zone for long. Someone is bound to make a move. That ex wife of his is as likely as any to try to warm his bed again now that she knows what she gave up!”

“Did you really see?” Kerrigan said, still fixaded on the fact others might have seen them.

“Oh, don
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