S3 Ch3: Harden Construction's Proposal
Kerrigan stared blankly as Conor left, trying to process her own emotions. Conor had left in such a rush, that she had not even had the chance to get the words out she so wanted to say. She wanted to ask him to come with her. Perhaps if he was with her, not only would they be able to better solve Dragon Corporation’s issues, but she could avoid Kelan’s advances. She had to admit to herself that while those were all valid reasons, she really just wanted him with her.

Kerrigan desperately hoped that the shock of her identity would not shake Conor up too much. After all, he had not minded that she was originally the head of Dragon Corporation, which to many was a lofty enough title to command serious respect, if not fear. He himself was Deinmaar to Celia, so that title had not bothered him either.

“Miss Lokir, I hate to intrude, but you do have another meeting,” came miss Rose’s quiet voice from where she still sat next to Mr. Nuri.

“Who?” she asked, not remembering what was supposed t
Drew Archeron

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