S3 Ch8:
The Community center was alive with kids playing everywhere when they arrived. Jonathan came out to greet them.

“Everyone got excited when the Colonel’s men started arriving a few minutes ago. They figured it meant you would not be far behind. Those that got to participate in the Gala have been telling the story to anyone who would listen. You two have brought new joy to them.”

Kerrigan grinned, “Well they will be excited to know I have something new in mind for them. Actually, it might be something to keep this site viable after some remodeling.”

“I am interested to hear what you have in mind,” Jonathan said, leading them inside his office.

Kerrigan then set about explaining her plan. “For now, most of what we need is the main gym floor space, and a series of padded mats. That will be easy enough to bring in, and actually, the Colonel will be working on that this week. The rest just requires a commitment from the kids.”

Jonathan sat back in his chair, pondering. “I assume they
Drew Archeron

Think Andrew will agree or counter?

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