The Kidnap

Return Of The General 69.

The Kidnap.

Mr Matador driver hurriedly left the car to check out what was the reason for the holdup when he met more than twelve men were blocking the road,They looked like a thug but he was a skilled bodyguard so he had nothing to worry about.

" Heyy !!!! What are you guys doing there??? The driver said walking up to the men, The glass was tinted so Mr Matador couldn't see what was going on,The men didn't say a word to the driver instead they continued smoking.

" Are you deaf ????? The driver walked up to him and two men dragged him from behind, The bodyguard couldn't recognize them because of the heavy shade of the darkness,Two masked men dragged the driver to the bush and three other masked men headed for Mr Matador's car.

Mr Matador closed his eyes and he kept flashing back to the party,He couldn't believe his son couldn't beat up to Austin,He was becoming more useless day by day.

" What's wrong with Brett exactly!!!!! Is something going on that I am n
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