Begin To Revenge
After doing her bidding and officially re-entering the rigorous training as a Black Dragon special agent, Alexis arrived at the place where his mission had begun.

"Are you ready, Alex?" was Andre's final question, before watching Alexis get out of the prison car, which of course was a set-up.


Alexis' nod and cold stare made Andre even more certain of his friend's readiness.

"Okay." Andre nodded to the police officer who was waiting for his order, and was signaling him to open the door of the prisoner's car to let Alexis out.

"Good luck, Lieutenant Alexis. I'm proud of you!" Andre bid farewell to Alexis, who was now taken to the city jail for paperwork and a haircut.

Alexis gasped, as a prison guard and two of his colleagues signaled for her to get up and follow.

Alexis nodded her head. Her cold, stony face was the next thing to appear.

Two metal doors had been opened and then closed again, causing a rather loud banging sound.

Alexis' hands were handc
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