Chapter 12
As the doors to the conference room swung open, Arnold was met with a wave of enthusiastic applause. The sound echoed in the grand room, filled with polished wood and towering windows that offered a panoramic view of the city.

His heart pounded in his chest, but he forced himself to keep his posture steady. ‘Is this really happening?’ he asked himself, trying to grasp the gravity of the moment.

At the head of the long table, his grandfather, Aron William, sat in the main chair. His presence commanded respect, even more so with the way the board members looked at him—admiration and reverence in their eyes. The lawyer stood quietly to the side, his expression neutral but attentive.

Aron raised a hand, silencing the applause. He began to speak, his voice deep and measured. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve been running this company since I was eighteen years old.”

His eyes scanned the room, ensuring that every person’s attention was locked on him. “Sixty years,” he paused for a moment to catc

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