Chapter 263

‘No… No way. She wouldn't—Isobel isn't like that,’ Eric was in an internal conflict with himself as he stood in the corridor, baffled by the moans and giggles coming from the living room.

It took every thing in him to stop him from storming into the room and confronting Isobel and whoever was with her. He was sure to have heard the voice of man but he didn't want to believe it. It felt so unreal, it was like a dream. Isobel would never stoop so low to cheat on him.

Sure, he had little to offer her financially. But that was why he was working his butt off everyday to make sure she could afford whatever she needed. Everything he had done, every risk he had taken to make a few bucks, was for her.

He knew how hard it must have been for her to get disowned by her own family, just because of him. Though she never complained about it, he could tell that she is was hurt by it.

Albeit, that wasn't enough reason for her to cheat on him. First of all, with who? If she could love someone with not
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