Chapter 330

Michael stood by the door and the maids and guards assisted and carried the items they brought to the house.

“Welcome home, Miss Karina” some of the maids greeted, Karina smiled and waved at them.

Michael was not sure how to act around them, for a man who is always ready for whatever situation he finds himself, Michael was rather stunned and speechless in this situation. Karina had increased his chances by telling him her father’s occupation before he became rich but right now the man is already rich, he might not look at Michael the same way or worse, he forgets that he was once a poor man and ends up throwing him out of the house.

Karina had never seen Michael so nervous and scared, she had always seen him, ready to take action, ready to put things in place but right now he is almost trembling before her and it was cute, cite because she knew the only reason he was acting that was because he loved her and didn’t want to lose her.

She grabbed his hands and led him through the living
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