Revenge in The Dark
Revenge in The Dark
Author: Elbinar
Chapter 1: Freedom from Prison

The towering iron door opened, and a man stepped out of it slowly. A backpack was strapped to his broad, muscular back.

His gaze was sharp with a hardened jaw. The man was 35-year-old Diego Cartwell Burke, an ex-convict who was officially released from prison today.

Diego had completed his 10-year sentence for murder, a crime he never committed, but had to serve a long sentence for.

Diego walked with certainty, striding through the crowded streets of Boston. No money made him walk to his destination. Those muscular legs stepped into a house.

Yes, Diego was returning to his childhood home. Diego thought it was empty, but it turned out that the mansion was occupied by his uncle's family, Diego's father's younger brother.

Diego's uncle was named Austin, and Austin's wife was named Margareth. They had a son named Carlos, who was the same age as Diego, 35 years old.

Margaret, Austin's wife, was shocked to see Diego standing in the doorway she had just opened. Diego had a meaningful smile on his face, while Margaret was frozen in place, unable to believe what she was seeing.

"Diego ...." Margaret said softly.

"Yes, it's me, Diego," Diego replied excitedly.

"Are you free?" asked Margaret with a pounding heart.

"Yes, I'm free. Aunty Margaret, how are you?"

"I-I'm fine," Margaret stammered. The shock was still there. "I thought this house was empty and abandoned.”

Turns out ... it's being taken care of by Uncle and Auntie. Thank you for taking care of my parents's house," Diego smiled.

Margaret was silent, looking at Diego with a strange look. A look of intense dislike. It wasn't just Margaret who looked at Diego like that, but all the servants too.

The faces of the servants were unfamiliar to Diego because, a few years ago, they weren't the ones working in this mansion.

"Where's Uncle Austin and Carlos?" Diego asked as he swept his gaze across the living room.

"They're at the company."

"So, they took care of my father's company while I was in prison? Oh my ... that's very kind. Thank you, I owe you a favor." Diego smiled fondly, taking Margareth's hand and holding it tightly.

Margareth gave a small nod and smiled awkwardly.

"What time are they coming back? I miss my uncle and nephew."

"It looks like they'll be home in the evening. They have a lot of work. But Carlos called earlier and said he's going to his in-laws' house and stay there tonight," Margareth replied.

"Oh my... Carlos is married? Who is he married to, Aunty? Sorry, I'm not attending because I'm in—"

"It's okay. We understand," Margareth cut Diego off.

"When is Carlos coming home? I'd like to meet his wife."

"I think tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow maybe."

Diego nodded and smiled at Margareth.

"Where's Gloria, Auntie? I miss her too," Diego asked about his only sister.

"Gloria? Hmmm... Gloria lives with her husband."

"Living with her husband? Gloria is also married? Gosh... what happened while I was in prison? Why didn't anyone tell me that Gloria got married?"

"The wedding was sudden. We didn't have time to tell you. Even though the wedding was a simple affair, we didn't invite many people."

"I'm Gloria's brother, Auntie. At least I should have been told," Diego protested.

"We're sorry, Diego."

Diego snorted, annoyance suddenly welling up inside him.

After all, his only sister was married, and he hadn't been told.

The atmosphere was awkward; Diego felt out of place in his own home.

"Why didn't you pick me up at the prison, Auntie? I sent you a letter."

"Sorry, your uncle had a lot of work, so he didn't have time to pick you up, Diego."

"I'm going to rest in my room," Diego said as he headed for the stairs. This was because his room was on the second floor.

However, Margareth quickly restrained Diego's body.

"Wait, hmmm... your room has been used by Carlos and his wife. I think you should sleep in the guest room tonight," Margareth explained.

What did she say? His room was being used by Carlos? Why does that have to be the case? Aren't they just staying here? Diego paused, frowning.

"If Carlos is using my room, then where are my things?"

"Moved to the warehouse. But don't worry, it's only temporary, we'll move it back later," Margareth said as she twiddled her fingers.

Without another word, Diego walked straight to the warehouse at the back of the house.

To get there, Diego had to pass a large swimming pool, and a flower garden that was the same as before, unchanged.

Diego gasped when he saw his belongings in the shed. Diego's belongings were shabby and dusty. There were even spiders nesting in them.

It looked like they had been moved here a long time ago.

Diego felt something was off.

"What is this...? What happened while I was in prison?"


Morning, 6:30 AM.

Austin and Margareth were having breakfast at the dining table. It was just the two of them; Carlos and his wife were absent.

As usual, a few servants were already set up behind the dining table, just in case their mistress needed anything.

Last night, Margareth had told Austin about Diego's release. Austin was quite surprised to hear his wife's story because he had forgotten the day of his nephew's freedom.

"Good morning, Uncle Austin...." Diego came in with wide strides. He approached Austin and Margareth, who were eating their breakfast.

Diego immediately hugged Austin, who looked casual when he saw his nephew approaching.

"Good morning to you too, Diego. Congratulations on your freedom. I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up yesterday," Austin replied after Diego released the hug and sat on the side chair.

"That's okay, I can understand. Uncle must be working hard to move my parents' company forward. Thank you, Uncle."

Austin nodded with a forced smile.

"Are you all dressed up? Where are you going?" Austin asked, seeing Diego all dressed up in his blue suit and tie.

"Going to the company, of course. I'm going to continue my father's company. It's time for you to retire and enjoy your old age," Diego replied enthusiastically.

Austin and Margareth looked at each other for a moment. Then, they looked back at Diego.

"Have breakfast first. We'll talk about the company later," Austin said, thrusting a plate in front of Diego.

Diego wanted to ask more questions but decided against it.

Diego and Austin arrived at the company at 7:30 a.m.

Diego was so happy because he hadn't set foot in this company for 10 years.

"Uncle Austin is great, he really looks after the company well," Diego muttered as he got off the elevator and entered the Director's office.

However, there was something strange about Austin sitting in his father's chair as soon as he entered.

Diego immediately fell silent in front of the desk. This was because Austin, who used to be a General Manager, was now the President Director of his father's company. It can be seen on the nameplate displayed on the desk: Austin Stephenson Burke.

Diego was positive and didn't want to speculate. Maybe Austin was just taking over the temporary flow of Diego's father's company while Diego was in prison.

Diego thought Austin should finish his work first today and would transfer his job and title to Diego tomorrow.

A knock on the door sounded, and a man entered the room after being invited in by Austin.

"Take Diego with you. Tell him what to do. Don't forget to tell him to change his clothes too," Austin told the man named Steve.

Diego frowned, not understanding. However, he tried to understand what was happening.

"What job will I be given, Uncle?" Diego asked suspiciously.

"Just follow him, you'll know what you have to do," Austin replied without looking at the other person. His eyes were focused on the laptop screen that had just been turned on.

Diego looked at the man standing next to him. He looked at him from the bottom up. From top to bottom again.

Although he didn't know him, Diego could guess the man's profession from his clothes. Cleaning Service Leader.

"Come, follow me."

Diego nodded in response. Then, he followed Steve with slow steps. For now, Diego would follow Austin's orders first. Diego wanted to know what would happen next.

Their steps stopped at a room at the far end of the ground floor.

There were already many employees preparing for work.

"Change your clothes," Steve ordered as he handed over a set of gray uniforms.

"Me? Wearing this?" asked Diego, frowning, without taking the clothes that were handed to him. It was a cleaning service outfit for his father's company.


"No way!" Diego refused firmly.

"Put them on, or I'll report you to Mr. Austin for disobedience!" snapped Steve.

"Report it."

"Are you challenging me?" asked Steve, approaching.

"Don't you know who I am?" Diego asked back.

"You're the lucky guy Mr. Austin gave a job to. So, you just have to obey, don't make a big deal out of it."

"Wrong. I'm Diego, the son of Mr. Brandon, the owner of this company."

At that, Steve burst out laughing, then kept his hands on his waist.

"Don't make things up. The owners of this company are Mr. Austin and Mr. Carlos."

"What did you say?" asked Diego, raising his voice. Diego tugged on the collar of Steve's work uniform.

"The owners of this company are Mr. Austin and Mr. Carlos." Again, Steve said what he knew. He wasn't afraid even though Diego was pulling his shirt tight.

Diego paused for a moment, staring intently at Steve, whose face seemed to fall flat. "Take back what you said. Austin and Carlos don't own this company, Brandon Vladimir Burke, my father does!" Diego shouted right in front of Steve's face. Seconds later, Diego slammed Steve's body into the wall. Diego turned around and left without another word.



Diego rudely opened the door to Austin's room, then walked quickly to his uncle who was sitting in a chair.

"Why did you put me in the cleaning service, Uncle?" Diego asked with rapid breathing. His two hands rested on the edge of the desk, while his eyes stared intently at Austin.

"Where do you want to be?" Austin asked equally. "This company belongs to my father, I should be in this room to replace him running the company."

"You're wrong, Diego. That's not the concept."

"What do you mean?" Diego asked, not understanding.

"The company is already mine. You have no rights anymore."

"The company belonged to my father," Diego denied.

"True, but that was 10 years ago. And now, the company is all mine. I've given you a job as a cleaning service, and you're lucky. Don't ask for more."

"But my father never gave you the company," Diego said, his voice lowered.

"Cleaning service, or nothing. You want to work here, go ahead. If not, then leave," Austin said firmly. Austin, of course, changed the subject.


Diego rounded the table and punched Austin to the floor.

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