Chapter 6: New Problems

"Can I help you, Sir?" asked a man named Nick, who had just walked into Diego's office.

Nick was standing right in front of Diego, who was sitting in his chair. Moments ago, Diego had called Nick over the intercom on his desk.

"Yes. Help me steal the ad project files that the Brancy Advertising company is working on," Diego replied seriously.

"Brancy Advertising is where I used to work, Sir?" asked Nick, seeking confirmation. "Yes, that's right. You have many contacts there. I'm sure you can do it."

Yes, Nick was a former employee of Brancy Advertising, the advertising company now controlled by Austin and Carlos.

A few years ago, Nick was dishonorably discharged for allegedly embezzling company funds, even though Nick was not working in the finance department at the time. Nick was not the real culprit. He was slandered by someone who was jealous of him.

Unemployed for a long time, Diego invited Nick to become his employee when he was about to start a new company and make it what it is today.

Nick is now Diego's personal assistant. Nick provides all of Diego's needs while at the company.

"I don't think it's a problem if the money is worth it," Nick said casually.

"Of course. I'll give you a good wage. How's that? Will you do it?"


"Within two days, that important file should be here." Diego tapped his forefinger on the desk, his eyes fixed on Nick. It was a sign that what he was asking for should already be in the place he was pointing to.

"Yes, Sir."

"Remember, don't let anyone know!"



Brancy Advertising was beset with anxiety.

Important files containing advertisements that had been completed by the team were completely lost due to theft.

Even though the files were to be submitted to the client who had ordered them in 1 day.

Carlos caught his breath, trying not to panic about what had happened.

Carlos tried to solve a problem that could make his father angry.

Carlos attempted to ask the head of the ad production team for a copy, but the copy of the ad that was with the head of the production team was also missing.

Carlos also checked the CCTV to find out who had entered his room in his absence.

However, Carlos was disappointed because the CCTV footage had been cut.

Carlos ruffled his hair in frustration. He had done everything he could to solve his problem, but to no avail.

"What should I tell dad...? Ssshhh ... aaaarrggghhh ...!" Carlos punched the mirror attached to the wall of his study until it broke.

The back of her hand was torn by the mirror shards until it bled.

His hand was hurt and sore, but it was nothing compared to the mess his mind was in over this.

Carlos' face was a mess, his appearance disheveled, his hair disheveled.

Austin didn't know about this problem yet. However, he would soon find out. Austin would be furious if he knew about this.

"What's going on, Carlos?" asked Austin, who had just walked into his son's study.

Austin had a bad feeling seeing his son's condition that looked chaotic.

"Tell me, Carlos. What's wrong?" Again, Austin asked, his forehead furrowed.

"The ad... hmmm... the ad we've been working on for a week is missing, Dad."

Silent, Austin looked at Carlos with a look that was hard to interpret. Austin hoped he had heard wrong.

"What did you say, lost?" Austin repeated for confirmation.

"That's right."

"Are you kidding?"

"No, I'm serious. The ad is gone. Someone stole it," Carlos said, not daring to meet Austin's piercing eyes.

Austin's palms clenched into fists, then grabbed Carlos' shirt collar in one fell swoop.

"Why did it disappear?!"

"It seems... someone deliberately entered my room without permission, then stole it. I've been trying to find out who it was, but I haven't found out yet."

"Idiot!" Austin threw Carlos onto the couch. His face was bright red. For the first time, Austin swore harshly at his son. Austin was angry, he was furious. He had missed.

Austin exhaled harshly, rubbed his face with his palm several times, then massaged his forehead because his head became dizzy.

"The ad is due tomorrow, Carlos. What am I supposed to tell our client, huh?!" Again, Austin yelled in his son's office.

Silent and head down, that's what Carlos did. Unable to answer his father's questions.

"Answer, Carlos! What should I tell the client tomorrow?!"

"Maybe... maybe we should ask for more time to recreate the ad, Dad," Austin replied in a quiet voice.

"Remake you say?" Carlos nodded hesitantly.

"Late fees, production costs, artist rent, it all costs money! Do you want to reimburse all those costs?"

This time, Carlos shook his head no. The production cost of an advertisement is not cheap. Carlos didn't want to use his personal money to cover those costs.

"So, what should we do, Dad?"

"Search and find the file containing the missing ad immediately. We have to find it by tomorrow!"

After saying that, Austin waltzed out of Carlos' room and shut the door with a bang.

Carlos gasped and closed his eyes.


"Everything is in order, Sir," Nick reported his work to Diego over the phone. Diego was enjoying a glass of wine at the nightclub when Nick called.

His eyes stared at the half-filled glass of wine, but he kept his focus on the sound of the phone against his earlobe.

A faint smile appeared on Diego's lips when he heard Nick update him on the success of the assignment.

"Were there any problems? I don't want any problems in the future."

"Nothing, everything went smoothly. I've erased the CCTV footage. I didn't leave any traces."

Yes, Nick had successfully stolen the files ordered by Diego. Within 2 days, Nick had done Diego's job well, with the help of a friend who worked at Brancy Advertising.

Of course, everything was done carefully and thoroughly.

Not forgetting, Nick's friend deleted the ad copy that was in the head of the ad production team.

"Good job, Nick" Diego replied with a wicked smile. "Your reward will be in the account soon."

"Thank you very much, Sir."

The phone connection was disconnected. At the same time, Diego's eyes saw Austin walk into the club and take a seat in the corner.

Within seconds, several beautiful and sexy women approached and sat to the right and left of Austin, trying to seduce him.

Austin was seen ordering some expensive drinks that were served on the table shortly after his arrival.

One glass, two glasses, three, four, and the number of glasses Austin drank was countless. His uncle Diego was finally drunk.

Diego approached Austin, then sat on a single chair next to Austin.

"Hi, Uncle Austin," Diego greeted. Immediately, Austin glanced at Diego who was already nearby.

"Diego...? What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to say hi to my favorite Uncle, is that okay?" Diego asked back with a wicked smile.

"Want to say hello or insult?"

"Why are you asking me that, Uncle? You've had too much to drink. Go home and rest. Aunt Margareth will be waiting at home."

Austin staggered to his feet. He pointed a finger at Diego who looked calm.

"Don't pretend to care about me, Diego. I know you're the one who stole my company's recently completed advertisement. Come on, confess!" Austin half-shouted.

"I didn't steal it, Uncle."

"I can't be lied to. You must be a thief."

"I didn't steal it, but... I gave the order for someone to take it," Diego whispered in Austin's ear.

Austin was furious. He picked up the bottle from the table, about to throw it at Diego. Diego quickly swatted the bottle away with one hand, then pushed Austin's staggering body into the couch.

There was no more resistance, as Austin's body was weak from too much drink.

Diego turned around and walked away from Austin. Still walking quietly, Diego pulled out his cell phone from his pants pocket and dialed someone.

"Get him, now!"

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