"The Corpa Miller Group officially announces the son of our heir apparent is back. For years we've waited for him to arrive, now welcome Darren Awalter Miller!"

A loud applause echoed through the room. Everyone seemed both excited and very curious.

In contrast to the reactions of all the guests, the Johnson Family was stunned in disbelief. Darren's name was certainly not unfamiliar to them.

When Darren walked to the center of the stage, all eyes looked at him in awe. Including the members of the Johnson Family.

"How come Darren is the main heir to the Miller Family?" Cloe said with an admiring look.

Cloe secretly regretted remembering her bad treatment to Darren sixteen years ago. Cloe could only grimace in her seat and automatically compared Darren's amount of wealth with Jack, her husband.

Moreover, Darren's appearance had changed drastically compared to sixteen years ago.

"I didn't expect to be standing at this point now, in front of all of you," Darren began to open his voice.

Instantly, the Corpa Miller Group company hall fell silent.

"In the future, I will replace Mr. Miller in running the Corpa Miller Group. I really need the help and good cooperation of all business relations of the Corpa Miller Group company," Darren explained calmly.

At that moment Darren used the public speaking skills he learned while working in marketing.

Darren briefly introduced the business innovations that he would do for the Corpa Miller Group company. Behind Darren, a screen lit up, displaying the results of his presentation.

"...and I don't plan to develop more companies. I will sharpen the management of several Corpa Miller Group companies," Darren explained.

While Darren was busy explaining, Charlotte secretly curved a sardonic smile. Charlotte couldn't wait to surprise everyone in the Corpa Miller Group's company hall.

"Did he expect there to be a surprise from the screen behind him?" Charlotte asked with a sly grin.

"What do you want to do?" asked Cloe beside Charlotte.

Charlotte just looked at Cloe without answering. She still gave her a planful smile.

"I'm going to show you the video footage of the business development I have planned," Darren said before stepping back from the screen.

The screen went black. Darren was already standing on the right side of the stage, watching the screen with a sly lopsided smile. He couldn't wait to see what the screen would show.

"I'm really looking forward to the moment of the Corpa Miller Group's destruction," Charlotte said with his eyes gleaming at the screen.

"Honey, are you up to something?" asked Dianna, Charlotte's wife, curiously.

Charlotte nodded. "Yes, plans are essential to ruin Corpa Miller Group's reputation," she replied confidently.

Cloe frowned, but said nothing.

A few seconds later the screen changed appearance again. This time a video recording appeared. There were two very familiar men sitting opposite each other. The video was taken from a slightly hidden side.

A video recording of a conversation between Charlotte and Jack - Cloe's husband taken by Hellen.  

"What should we do to destroy the Corpa Miller Group?" Charlotte's voice echoed in this room from the video.

Instantly Charlotte's sly smile faded away slowly. Charlotte was dumbfounded by the video on the big screen that all the VVIP guests in this room were watching.

Charlotte was perfectly still, his expression one of panic. So did Dianna, Cloe, Jack. and his two sons who sat together in a row with him.

"It looks like we're going to have to go through the files on the Corpa Millar Group. That's the closest we can come to ruining their reputation."

The atmosphere in the room became rather lively as the VVIP guests whispered to each other. They were all shocked, confused, and at the same time didn't expect Charlotte to be planning to betray Corpa Miller Group behind him back.

"Oh, my gosh! I don't know what this video is, what's going on? What should we do?" Darren pretended to panic in front of the microphone.

Secretly, Darren noticed the panic on the Johnson family members' faces. Darren struggled to contain his satisfied smile on stage.

"Hey, show technicians! You guys need to fix the screen, man... Mr. Charlotte, are you watching this? You must be so embarrassed," Darren said in a deliberately mocking manner.

Whisper after whisper could be clearly heard in the room.

Charlotte was still motionless in his seat. He heard some of the VVIP guests start hurling bad words about him.

"Why is she planning to ruin Corpa Miller Group's reputation? Who do you think they are?"

"I feel very sorry for the power-hungry Johnson Family."

"They really want to rival the Miller Family. Meanwhile, the Miller family is at the highest peak of wealth."

"They don't realize they're only second."

"Why would they do such a thing to the Miller Company, which has provided a huge innovation fund?"

"I don't think they have any sense."

Charlotte clenched his hands into fists with her sitting position unchanged. His gaze was fixed straight on Darren on the stage who was smiling at him.

"Damn, he planned this," Charlotte said angrily.

In just one day, the video spread across social media. Articles about the Johnson Family's ill-will towards the Miller Family popped up.

Strong and scathing criticism was expressed by users of various social media. As more and more articles and criticisms appeared, suddenly users of various social media were digging up suspicious information about the Johnson Family.

For almost a week, news about the Johnson Family was so busy that it became the number one trending topic.

"Wow, Darren! What have you done?" Anthonio said admiringly after reading the latest article on the living room screen.

Mr. Miller walked over to Darren and put his arm around his son. A proud smile curved his face.

"You said you didn't know how to get revenge, but you've already taken the offensive against them," Mr. Miller said.

Darren smiled slightly as he sipped his hot tea.

"The G&K Johnson Group has seen its stock drop drastically as a result of the video footage. There's been a lot of criticism from people who enjoy their products," Anthonio said, reading the article's headline.

"I didn't expect the Miller family to have such a dangerous child," Mrs. Miller said, feeling proud as well.

As social media users scrutinized the Johnson Family, worse articles suddenly appeared. They were all about embezzlement, abuse of power, and rumors of the company laundering money.

It all spread so fast.

In the living room, the Miller Family gathered again. Darren had no idea that the one videotape he shared would have such a damaging effect on the reputation of the Johnson Family company.

"Darren, look what you did. You do one thing, and it all comes crashing down in an instant," Anthonio beamed.

Darren didn't answer. He was reading a news article on the LED screen in the living room of the Miller Family mansion.

"It's not over yet," Darren said.

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