Chapter 7- The missing Crystal


Carlos said to himself as he saw the zombies walk closer to him.

He wanted to drive off but they surrounded his bike. He was at this point in the middle of all the zombies.

Without dictating the exact number of zombies around Carlos. There were more than one thousand. It seemed as though they were all waiting for his arrival. Both male and female, children and even pregnant women, were all there as transformed creatures.

The further approach of the zombies made Carlos trip. They fell on his body and hustled for who would take a bite of his body first. Knowing fully well that he couldn't survive the attack of all the zombies, Carlos closed his eyes and envisioned the total number of zombies on his body.


Carlos yelled out and forcefully stretched his hands, pushing out multiple zombies on his body. He stared at them as they approached him, fiercest than ever. He delivered his kick on ten zombies at the same time and landed on his bike. 

One of the zombies, a female doctor grabbed his leg but Carlos sprinted his left leg on the Zombie's head and pushed her off. The others attempted to come forward but he flew his leg over their jaws, making sure that each of them felt the gravity of his kick. 

He tore his polo and rolled it with his finger, confusing a few zombies. He threw it away and many zombies followed the polo.

A set of zombies spread their hands to capture Carlos who was still standing on the bike, but he jumped backward and they tripped over the bike.

Carlos brought out his manual bike remote from his pocket and activated his power bike which took off at a great speed and some Zombies followed it while some were still determined to bite Carlos.

"You are a loser!"

"Leave this place, I don't need a nuisance like you!"

"You are good for nothing!"

"I regret ever choosing you as my boyfriend!"

"Poor thing like you! You ruined my chemicals. Can you afford them? Huh!"

Carlos remembered all these comments from his ex-bosses, his colleagues, Rhea and Diego! It reminded him of how he was bullied and downgraded.

Sighting the closeness of the zombies, Carlos mixed the anger of the annoying comments along with his inability to press the buttons which would have prevented the transformation of the crowd.

This he used to persistently punch all the zombies down with every movement of his fist dropping the zombies on the ground.

He smartly paused the movement of his power bike.

One of the zombies brought his mouth to bite him from behind, Carlos poked the remote in his mouth and hit his head together with another zombie in front.

He pulled a female zombie's hair and pinned her around only to let go of her and she fell on the body of the rest of the zombies.

Carlos activated his power bike and ran away as fast as he could in other to meet up with the bike.

He increased the speed of the bike and ran faster than ever.

There was his bike! He hopped on it and dropped his sweat on the gear surface which increased the speed of the bike.

He drove straight to his late dad's home rather than Chloe's hostel.

Auguste didn't back down! He was the person behind the transformation of the crowd.

"I will continue increasing the rate at which people transform into zombies. I won't and will never back down until the world has come to an end!"

He gave out a monster laughter as he walked straight to his transfusion machine. 

"It's time to create more fluid. My fluid has finished and the zombies might be weak by now!"

He grinned and changed his outfit putting on a lab coat with many openings as pockets and a lot of machinery as well.

Carlos took a glass of water the moment he arrived home.

"Where is Chloe?"

Virginia questioned Carlos who was tired.

"Carlos, Did you engage in a fight?"

Claire questioned and Carlos took a proper glance at himself.

"And where is your shirt?"

Virginia added

"Mom, I fought with the figures earlier "

"You mean the zombies?"

Virginia inquired and Carlos nodded.

"What were you thinking Carlos? Do you want to kill yourself?"

Virginia added and Claire noticed a scratch on Carlos's back

"They harmed you! The zombies, it seemed like you sustained an injury during your fight! Look, you are scratched!"

Claire added and Virginia took a glance at the bruise. She covered her mouth in astonishment

"Carlos, you are infected by that virus!"

She added and Claire sat down

"But the question is, how possible are you still alive? Per the law of transformation, anyone is bitten or scratched by a zombie, as long as there is a bloody contraction between the zombie and the person, or she is automatically infected! So how is Carlos normal and healthy?"

Claire inquired and everywhere was silent as they all stared at each other.

"That is because it is the second time that I have been scratched by a zombie!"


Virginia exclaimed and Claire dropped the apple she was biting.

Auguste mixed the proper chemicals and endeavored to pre-warm it when he discovered that the system was low and weak.

"I have to empower this with my crystal! I hate it when it gives me stress!"

He added to himself and walked to the room where he stored his precious crystal

It was contained in a beautiful, ornate container, a treasured reliquary, made of crystal or glass, with intricate patterns and designs etched into its surface. 

It's adorned with precious gems, like diamonds or rubies, and features delicate filigree, an intricate network of golden or silver threads. 

The container is shaped like a casket or a box, with a soft, velvety interior, perfectly designed to cradle and protect the precious crystal within. The overall design is elegant, luxurious, and refined, evoking a sense of wonder and awe. The container seems to glow from within as if the crystal inside is radiating a gentle, otherworldly light.

When Auguste opened the door, he saw that the crystal was gone!

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