159. Reconsider

Finally, the plan reverted to the original one: Glenn and Sean would stay at Mr. Zhang's residence. This way, Glenn could keep an eye on the professor's movements. Essentially, they would both be wary of each other, just waiting for someone to slip up.

Hearing that Hazel and Grandma Mari had arrived safely the next day, Glenn felt relieved. He could now focus on their plan, grateful to have Sean by his side. Victor couldn’t monitor frequently because Glenn feared Mr. Zhang might have bugged their devices. This mission relied solely on Glenn and Sean’s actions.

Mr. Zhang was preparing to leave when Glenn caught up to him in his office. They were headed to a meeting at a luxurious venue called Ang Zho. It was an exclusive building used by high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen. The facilities were extensive, even offering accommodations in the ten-story building.

"Are you ready?" Mr. Zhang asked as he saw Glenn at the door.

"Anytime you are ready, sir."

They were attending a rou
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