179. Discovered

Mason stepped out of the bathroom wrapped in a robe and glanced briefly at Eleanor, still curled up in bed. He reached for his phone on the nightstand and then walked out of the room towards his study. Sitting down, he called Mr. Zhang.

"Professor," Mason greeted. "How’s the progress on the virus and vaccine you promised me?"

"They’ll be ready in a month. The vaccine is already prepared; only the virus is still in the development stage. I need to assess the long-term effectiveness of the vaccine."

"Can you create a better vaccine if the current one isn’t very effective? We could make a larger profit, Professor."

"Unfortunately, my life might not last that long. So, I don’t want to take that risk."

"Ah, yes... I understand."

Mason felt disgusted by Mr. Zhang’s constant self-pity over his terminal illness. However, the old man still enjoyed the pleasures of life. Their relationship was strictly business, and Mason didn’t care about Mr. Zhang’s fate.

After all, Mason had paid him enough
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