181. Overturn

“What’s wrong?” Victor asked, hugging Yvonne from behind.

Yvonne got out of bed, making Victor sigh in disappointment, as he had just been about to kiss her. She let out a long breath, then placed her phone on the nightstand. Without answering Victor, she started picking up her clothes scattered on the floor.

“I have to go,” Yvonne said.



Victor looked at Yvonne, puzzled. But from her expression, it was clear she couldn’t be persuaded. Finally, Victor just nodded weakly and sighed. As Yvonne got dressed, Victor’s phone rang.

Reluctantly, Victor glanced at the screen and saw Glenn’s name.

“What’s up, Glenn?” Victor asked.

“Victor, I need you at the lab. I’m here with Mei.”


Yvonne glanced at Victor. “Work, huh?”

“You too, huh?”

They both chuckled softly. They hugged and kissed deeply, then said goodbye, promising to meet again another time. They both had important matters to attend to.

Victor arrived at the lab in less than an hour. Inside the isolation room, Mei
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