187. Alert

Glenn was on a video call with Dao and Yuen, discussing Mason's invitation.

Dao was visibly agitated, understandably angry at Mason for what seemed like an attempt to extort everyone.

As for the virus spread by Mr. Zhang and the vaccine Mason had purchased, Glenn chose to keep that matter private.

Only Glenn and a select few knew about it. Besides, revealing Mr. Zhang's misdeeds, especially now that he was likely gone, felt wrong to Glenn.

“What an inconsiderate man, selling at sky-high prices while everyone is mourning and trying to handle this virus,” Yuen lamented.

“He's a businessman,” Dao glanced at Yuen and chuckled softly. “But he's insane.”

“All the world leaders left that meeting immediately. Glenn, you should have been there,” Yuen chuckled. “I wanted to see Mason’s shocked face.”

Glenn gave a faint smile. “Hopefully, he will sell the vaccine at a reasonable price. At least that would be fair if he wants to compete in a healthy business manner.”

Dao nodded in agreement. “
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