192. Proposal

A week after Mason's funeral, Beatrice visited Glenn's office. According to Mason's mandate, the company acquired by Glenn would still provide Beatrice with the remaining funds.

It was no small amount since Glenn had bought Mason’s company at a fair price.

Beatrice had signed the documents and handed them to Glenn.

She looked very composed, though her heart had been broken twice after losing Mason forever.

“It’s all done, Glenn. Thank you for your cooperation,” Beatrice said.

“Once again, my deepest condolences, Mrs. Zimmerman.”

A faint smile appeared on Beatrice’s lips. “What happened to Mason did break my heart. But in the end, he tried to be a good person, and I am still proud of him.”

There was a light in Beatrice’s eyes, indicating she had come to terms with everything. Even when Mason returned, he was the Mason she had once known.

“He will be remembered as a good man. I will make sure of that,” Glenn nodded.

“Thank you, you are very kind.”

“So, what are your plans moving forwa
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