197. End is a New Begining
As time passed, Glenn and Hazel enjoyed peaceful days while awaiting the birth of their baby. In the month of their baby’s due date, Glenn received the surprising news that Yvonne and Victor were getting married.

“Glenn, hurry up!” Hazel hurriedly put on her earrings as they were almost late for Victor and Yvonne’s wedding ceremony.

Glenn quickly grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair and hugged Hazel from behind. Seeing Hazel with her big belly made him fall in love with her even more.

“Not now,” Hazel grumbled, annoyed.

The more Hazel was irritable, the more Glenn enjoyed teasing her.

They stepped out of the house and got into the car. Glenn drove at a moderate speed, occasionally reaching for Hazel’s hand and kissing it gently. Hazel felt incredibly happy, showered with love from her husband.

When they arrived at the church, the doors were almost closing as the ceremony was about to begin. Glenn and Hazel entered, accompanied by the quiet laughter of the attendees. They
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