Part 241

"How are things going over there? Is everything ready?"

Xavier listened to the conversation between the woman named sarana and one of the woman's men. They were all currently planning to immediately raid the place where Audi was. Xavier could not wait too long and make his wife suffer. One week was not a short time, Xavier was sure that his wife could not wait too long.

"Alright, prepare everything that needs to be prepared. Don't leave anything behind."

After that, the means turned off the phone call and put the phone back into the pocket. Her gaze stared at Xavier who was currently walking towards her.

"What did your men tell you? Have you prepared everything?" Feeling curious Xavier immediately asked, he also had to take part in this even though he needed help from Sarana and Sarana's men.

Means nodded his head and said, "You don't have to worry, Mr. Xavier, just leave everything to me."

Xavier nodded his head, slightly relieved that there was someone who could help him to save A
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