Simon should have known better, that Mancini will never be Mancini if he won’t play dirty.

It took him a few seconds before he felt the numb feeling starting to creep from his abdomen.

When Simon looked down, he saw Mancini’s blooded hands, he was holding a small knife embedded into his abdomen.

When he looked up to his face, he saw the sinister smile plastered on it. Victory was written all over his face.

“Do you think I will let you kill me? You are meant to die in this place, Morelli.” He spatted.

Simon started to loss his strength. He backed down and stagered until he dropped on the floor.

His visions become blurry.

No. He can’t afford to die now. Faces flashed inside his mind.

Simon coughed and he tasted his own blood from his mouth.

“You…” he can’t find the strength to speak now.

Mancini stepped forward until he was standing just in front of Simon. He squatted, his face leveled on his.

Without any warning, he pulled the small knife from Simon’s abdomen.

Blood gushed
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