
Dominico was in the middle of his sleep when he felt another person's presence inside his room.

His breath hitched and he listened to the man's movements.

He has been a light sleeper these past few years due to the fact that his life was in constant danger.

Good thing he made a habit of keeping a gun under his pillow for emergency purposes. And Simon thought that it's time to use this gun on someone.

Ever so slowly, he reached for the gun that was tucked under his pillow. He did it without so much as moving so the person inside his room won't ever notice that he's awake now.

Simon was sure that his intention was to kill him. This is not a burglar case, but an assassination plot.

He swallowed an imaginary lump in his throat. He held on to the gun tightly before he jumped out of the bed without any warning.

"Who the fuck are you?" He pointed the gun at the man's silhouette.

He can clearly see that the man was armed with a gun, because he was also aiming in his direction.

"No ha
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