Enemy or Not?

Abbie gripped the gun in her hand tighter when she heard a few gun fires behind her.

Her feet halted and looked back. She was worried, extremely worried for Simon's life.

She wanted to go back but she promised him that she would make it out. But part of her wanted to stay with Simon.

Mancini intended to kill him, and she would have to trust Simon that he can protect himself and make it out of this damn mansion alive.

“Simon…” she whispered.

Her feet voluntarily moved to where she came from but suddenly, two huge men appeared in front of her.

“There she is! Get her!” One of the men shouted.

Fear envelopes Addison's heart.

She turned her back and started to run in the opposite direction, away from those men.

“Catch her! The boss wants her alive!” She heard their footsteps just behind her.

Her heart pounded so hard inside her ribcage, sweat occupied her body and she was shaking from fear.

“God, please help me.” She murmured.

And then, suddenly, an idea hit inside her head. Sh
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