Damien made his way toward the graveyard where his parents were laid to rest. As he approached their graves, he felt a sense of calm wash over him. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow across the field of headstones. He sat down in front of their graves, feeling the cool grass beneath him.

"Mom, Dad," he began softly, "I know you're not here to answer me, but I need your advice." He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "Tyrion, our son, has been kidnapped by Mikhail. I'm scared that things might not go as planned during the rescue. I don't know what to do."

As he spoke, Ash watched from a nearby corner. She could see the pain and fear in his eyes, but she also saw his strength and determination. She believed in him, even if he didn't believe in himself.

Damien continued to talk to his parent's graves, pouring out his heart to them. He shared his worries, his fears, and his hopes for the future. He talked about his love for Ash and their family, and how he was willing to
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