
They arrive at the Paradise Resort in ten minutes, but it was a little far. Damien gave his fare and then ran out of the vehicle to chase his beloved girlfriend. Rain was starting to pour and he had forgotten his umbrella back home. The fence separated him from the entrance of the resort. He had to run to the gate because the taxi couldn’t get there for the roads were blocked.

Several expensive cars lined up at the sides of the road, but he paid no attention to them. He ran and ran until his lungs hurt. He finally reached the gate but the security stops him.


“I am Mister Richard's employee from Colton Corp. I have an emergency message to tell him.”

“Give us the message and we will tell him.”

“It’s discreet. Boss told me to keep it.”

“Well, your emergency message ain’t reaching him. Get out boy. You’re ruining the show.”

“Can’t you see I went into the rain to come here and deliver this message? It’s important!”

But the security was not giving in. Damien had to find another way so he could get inside the resort. He got out of their sight as they requested and proceeded to trace the fence of the resort. He found a small opening near the bins and quickly darted inside.

Some of the metal prongs in the fence caught his outfit and the mud from the rain was not helping him either. He got scratches, but it didn't seem to falter him a bit. Damien had to know.

He had to know the reason why she had replaced him with someone else.

He had to know what he lacked.

He successfully enters the resort and quickly made his way to the banquet hall where everyone was. The halls towards the banquet were quiet because everyone was serving, therefore, he got in there just fine.

However, he was caught by the CCTV cameras, and by the time he was heading to the banquet hall, the security was already on their way to apprehend him. Damien opened the door into the banquet hall and found a lot of wealthy people inside. Some were talking about business, and some— flirting.

Damien’s eyes caught a few security entering the banquet hall, and he already knew that they were looking for him. He blended into the sea of wealthy people and started looking for Clarissa. The noblemen cursed at him for pushing them off, but he couldn’t care less.

‘Where is she?’ this question kept repeating in his head.

A few moments later, she spotted her amongst the crowd with Richard . Damien squeezed through the line of people and eventually made it into the clearing.

The sight of the disheveled man immediately surprises Clarissa. When she looked at him further, it is only then that she realizes who he was.

Clarissa’s hand reached for Richard's and he looked at her with worry. The girl was paler than the white dress she was wearing. The man before them was terrifying. He was wet and muddied with swollen eyes because of crying, one would assume he was a beggar or addict.


The male stood up and the crowd went silent. Everyone’s eyes turned to Damien.

“What is the meaning of this, Clarissa?” Damien took a step closer to the couple, but they retreated steps back. “I… I thought we were…”

Richard looked over to the woman beside him. She hid her body behind Richard , clearly shaken. “Call the security, Richard ! He’s dangerous!”

“What are you talking about..?” Damien’s voice was exhausted and painful to hear. “…I was the reason you came this far. That dress… it sure does look pretty on you.”

Clarissa clutched onto the dress she was wearing. It was gifted to her by Damien. She had always told him how she wanted to buy the dress but it was very expensive. It took two months worth of Damien’s monthly salary to purchase that regalia.

But he couldn’t believe it.

She had worn that dress for another man.

“Clarissa… why?”

“Who are you?” Richard's violent voice echoed throughout the room. “How do you know my wife?”

“Your wife?” Damien shook his head, droplets falling off from his wet hair. “Clarissa… tell him!”

“Do you know this man?” Richard turned to his wife, who immediately shook her head again and again. “N-No! Of course not!”

When Clarissa denied it, Damien’s chest suffocated more and more.

All his hard work… his wages… his hopes and dreams with her were all shattered. For the first time, Damien’s eyes clouded, and a tear strolled from his cheek.

“You said you loved me…” he mumbled. “…you said nothing can divide us.”

Everyone was gossiping around them and Damien was embarrassed and heartbroken. He never thought that such misery would befall him.

“I can that you’re an employee of my company.” Richard started. “Who are you? How do you know my wife? Are you a drug addict?”

“No. I am not.” Damien’s eyes flamed even more and he focused his emerald eyes at Clarissa. The girl’s chest trembled and she hid behind Richard, scared to her wits.

“Clarissa. We’re going home.”

Damien approached Richard and grabbed the wrist of his so-called lover. He was uncertain if she truly loved him, though. In his head, he just wanted to be with her.

“Talk to me.” He said, but Richard pushes him off the platform, causing Damien to stumble onto the floor. The audience gasped and the cameras started to flash.

“Security!!!” Clarissa screamed at the top of her lungs.

The guards quickly took a hold of Damien’s arm. And dragged him across the floor. “Take him away!!!” she screamed even more.

“No.” Richard turned his head at his wife and furrowed his brows. Clarissa turned paler. She shook her head at her husband.

“Richard, please, you have to send him away! He is scaring me! He is scaring all our guests!”

But Richard was a little skeptical. “Leave him. Let him stay. I want to hear what he has to say.”

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