Chapter 117

Standing the freezing cold, Chloe looked left and right for any sign of Luke.

His car wasn't here yet. Rolling her palms together to ward off the cold, she took a quick glance at her watch biting her lower lip.

Twenty minutes late.

“Chloe!” she heard him yell from down the street, waving his hands like a madman. He had on a leather jacket and a longer coat that reached his legs and a fitted jean that molded the shape of his thighs. To finish off the look, loafers donned his feet. Jumping out of his car midway, he raced to get to her wrapping his hands around her.

“I'm so sorry I'm late, the car broke down on my way here.” He apologized, rubbing his arms over hers. “Hope you aren't pissed off?”

Actually, she was but Luke looked so torn up over it that she decided to let it go. “It's fine. I would like to get out of the cold though.”

He practically carried her into his car, cranking the heat up to the highest.

Chloe slowly felt the cold ebb away and she could slowly feel that she was re
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