Chapter 126

Sean stared at Chloe dash out of the room in shock, raising his eyes to Rebecca, who looked equally shocked.

In hindsight, Sean knew that it was the shock rippling through his system that made him act the way he did.

“Fuck!” He cursed under his breath, grabbing his shorts off the floor and jumping around as he tried to slide it up his legs. “Where are my damn shirts when I need one huh?”

Rebecca sat up, still clutching the sheets firmly between her fingers like she was scared that Chloe would barge in at any moment. “Sean…where are you going?”

He raised his head, only remembering that she was still in the room. “I need to go after her…Chloe.” He tacked on needlessly.

Her mouth dropped open and if looks could kill, he might be six feet under. “Are you fucking with me right now? The woman you loved dumps you and comes crawling back, then you'll abandon everything and run after her?”

Sean had an idea where this was going and he wasn't ready to deal with it, not right now at least. “Rebec
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