Chapter 2

"Really? Would you support me if I divorced John? She asked.

"Of course, I will support you, haven't I told you several times to leave this fool and marry someone else but you refused," Albert added regretfully.

Olivia looked at John who now wished for one thing more than anything in his life, to have a quick money that would make the Wilde's family worship him throughout their entire life. However, that would only happen in his dreams not in reality. His family is one of the poorest families in the whole of Arora, not to mention Sunview where they live. Olivia smiled and moved closer to her father.

"That reminds me, I ran into Demi Moore today and you know what? He is now a very wealthy man. He is the director of Weam Bank and he asked me about you" Jeanette told her daughter.

"He did?" Olivia asked, her eyes glinting with enthusiasm. 

"Yes Olivia, he even asked me for your numbers and I gave him," Jeanette said and glared at John. 

John was so annoyed by his despicable in-laws. How could they treat him like less of a human just because he had no money?

 And despite all the humiliation he endures they have the mind to look for another husband for his wife Olivia. Animosity made him depart from the living room. He went to the kitchen to prepare dinner, and to clear his mind from the pains that filled his chest. He couldn't believe that Jeanette and Albert were planning on marrying his wife off to another man just because of money.

In the kitchen, John was busy steaming chicken breast and beef in different pots. He added all the needed ingredients and started chopping the vegetables. He was sweating profusely, because of the heat in the kitchen. He grabbed the hem of his shirt, wiped out the sweat that covered his forehead, and continued cupping the vegetable, just then, Andrew Olivia's younger brother walked into the kitchen.

"Hey John, you are not yet done with the food" Andrew let out as he made his way into the kitchen. He walked toward the steaming pot, picked up one of the chicken breasts with a fork, and put it on the empty clean plate that he brought from the racks.

"That meat is for your sister Olivia, please do take another one, she specifically requested that, " John said, his eyes still bent on the chopping board.

"Oh I see, you wanted the chicken breast all for yourself and you said they belonged to Olivia. Since when did Olivia start eating Chicken breast? The last I checked she was on a strict diet so when did she begin to eat chicken breast?" Andrew asked

"I don't know, I was surprised too, but I didn't ask because I didn't want any trouble. So now that you know don't eat that meat"

"Look at this useless live-in son-in-law giving me orders in my own house." Andrew roared.

 "A common thief like you. I heard you stole from Olivia and now you want to steal this meat from me?" 

Andrew hissed and tried to put the meat into his mouth, but John quickly took the meat away, however, Andrew got angry and pushed him, John's huge body hit the kitchen cabinets and sent some of the breakable plates flying down on the floor and on to John's huge body. When one of the plates landed on his head, John whined and came to fight back, however, he was not a match for Andrew when it came to strength, John may be huge, but he was never agile like Andrew. 

Andrew caught his arms and gave him the beating of his life. He finally pushed John onto the floor, brought down the hot pot from the fire, and poured its contents on John's huge body. John let out a bone-chilling scream. The Chicken pureed landed on his lap and burned into his skin.

 Olivia and the rest of the family members rushed into the kitchen and saw the hot meat on top of John's huge lap and John wailing in pain like a child. 

"That would teach you a lesson, loser son-in-law" Andrew howled and left the kitchen.

"How dare you fight Andrew, you good for nothing man. Now look at yourself" Olivia accused.

 She was really angry and embarrassed that John was not good at anything; he was not even strong enough to defend himself before her younger brother Andrew.

"Look at a Little boy like Andrew beating you up like a child aren't you ashamed of yourself" Olivia yelled. 

"Hurry up, let's take him to the hospital," Albert shouted to his servants, who came to find what was going on.

"John, why do you like causing trouble? Now you did not only provoke Andrew but will make this family spend their fortunes on your treatments" Jeanette scolded. 

Just then, the Steward and the security man helped John up and led him out of the kitchen and to the hospital. 

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