A toast to a long lasting family

It was finally dinner time, Eric and Samantha were in the room, talking about how their day went and what they were going to do at the dinner.

“Perhaps after, eating we will play a couple of games and then have fun. What do you think?” Eric looked away as he thought about what Samantha had just said. He thought for a while before he inhaled deeply, bringing his gaze back to look at her.

“That's a nice idea. Since we are going to be out of town for the next couple of months. It's only right if we do some of those games and have fun.” Eric explained slowly as if he were counting his words as he spoke them. Not long after, they heard the sound of a car, driving into the mansion.

“They are here!” Eric said rapidly, and she nodded her head slightly as she walked behind him towards the door. They arrived in the dining room and just then, the food was getting ready. The door suddenly opened, and Lydia was the first person to enter the room alongside a strange man. Eric's eyebrow furrowed as
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